Meanwhile, a little project was made: a book, containing 25 images of the island. Every book is handmade, has its own unique design and is published in a limited edition of 25 signed copies. You can download a low res. pdf by clicking here.
This blog shows a work in progress about the island of Pantelleria. The final result will be, with anticipation, a photo book in which the reader can discover the island throughout the experience of a Belgian family who moved to the isle in January 2006.
All comments on content and photography are welcome, as well as any information or personal stories about Pantelleria.
I've worked for many years as a photographer, art director and graphic designer for multinational companies in over 40 countries around the world. Although enjoying some aspects of the corporate highlife, I always found it difficult to engage myself to this business environment and its philosophy. So when at a certain point, choices had to be made, my wife and I choose to alter course and we moved with our two little daughters to this little island in the Mediterranean. So far, we still haven't had any second of doubt that we've made the right decision.