Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Empty harbour.

Here some landscapes, which I recently recorded.

Friday, 12 January 2007

The sea,... so many things have already been said and written about the sea. I wont even try to describe its beauty, power or temperament. Let's just say that today, I've got my feet wet whilst taken this picture and that I think that, in my life, I will never again live apart from it.

Thursday, 4 January 2007

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Playing with nature's bits and pieces. It may sound a bit too idyllic, but it's how our children are spending a lot of their time here. It's remarkable to see how fast they learn to fully value and respect natural phenomenon as flowers, insects, stars and striking landscapes, or even the silence and tranquility of the evening.
Sometimes, like the day before yesterday, they are also directly confronted with some more vigorous aspects of nature's laws. Sebina, a Sicilian friend who stayed with us a couple of days for the New Year, caught an octopus barehanded. As method of killing the struggling animal, she chose to shred the head half off, and turned it inside out to clean it directly into the sea. This whole process took more than ten minutes and was witnessed by both our kids and a half hysterical Italian tourist from the North who franticly accused Sebina of being irresponsible towards the children. Sebina calmly replied to her, that apparently she was solely used to get her food out of a supermarket. I myself was a bit astonished by the strength of Sebina, and how serenely she handled the screaming woman and simultaneously managed to kill the wrestling creature. I look at her in a different way now. Though, less than two hours later we had a delicious anti pasta.